Financial planning and calculations, funding packages
We determine together with the customer the uses of money, calculate the funding need and asses the realization of the company’s income financing and self-financing and their adequacy. Based on these, we make the financial calculation for the target years and plan from what sources, how and with what steps the necessary funding will be acquired.
Project funding, especially in growth companies, is often built from several funding sources. Our experience brings strength in combining different funding sources, realistic assessment of their availability and understanding of the different requirements of different financiers and De Minimis rules for public funding. We also bring insight to the size and content of the funding packages.
Funding applications
Together with the customer we make funding applications including the project descriptions and necessary appendices to various private funding sources as well as national public funding sources, such as Business Finland, Ely Centers and various development programs. Through our cooperation network we also maintain an up-to-date information what suitable funding is available from EU sources to our customers.
In recent years EU’s direction has been to budget experimental development/pilot funding into larger EU-funded development project, so-called Cascade funding. The use and target companies of the funding are then decided by the EU-funded project itself. You can also get information about these Cascade funding opportunities for project in various fields from us.